There are several ways to get our data
If you want information about a particular company or entity, it's fast and easy to search our registers.
Select the register you wantYou can also:
- use the NZAUConnect app
- download our company statistics (released monthly)
- sign up to access bulk data downloads
- request a data extract or
- connect to our APIs.
Latest monthly statistics
733,924 companies on the register as at 28 February 2025
- 4,638 companies incorporated in February
- 3,405 companies removed from the register in February
- 264 companies placed in liquidation, receivership or voluntary administration in February
14,399 financial service providers on the register as at 28 February 2025
1,794,529 financing statements registered on the PPSR as at 28 February 2025
Types of data we hold
We’ve organised our data into the following categories:
List of help tiles
Administrative data
Data captured or created to facilitate, support and manage registry processes.
The types of administrative data we hold -
Information about registered financial assets.
The types of data we hold about assets -
Data about who can act on behalf of a business to update our registers.
The data we hold about authorities -
Business entity data
Data about registered business entities.
The types of data we hold about business entities -
Data about registrations and the maintenance of business entities.
The types of data we hold about events -
Data about individuals holding roles in New Zealand organisations, such as directors and shareholders.
The types of data we hold about roles