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Are you looking for a company, shareholder or director?
If you want a monthly snapshot of data, you can download a series of CSV files containing most of the publicly available information for select Companies Office registers by requesting access to our bulk data below.
Bulk Data is hosted on We update this data every month, and once you have access you can download it free of charge, anytime.
We currently offer the following files in CSV format:
We also offer FSPR Bulk Data (in JSON format only). To get access to this bulk data please specify 'FSPR Bulk Data' in the reason for your request.
Note — You need to complete all of the fields below before you can submit your request.
Use of Companies Office bulk data is subject to our terms of use outlined in the Bulk Data Access Agreement. By checking the box above, and submitting this request, you're indicating that you have read, and agree to those terms of use.
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